How to Manage a Remote Team: Advice from Five Experienced Remote Managers

I’m so honored to be featured in this insightful post by Cardsmith!

Last week, we covered the basics of what all remote work novices need to know as they transition from a traditional office to working from home. This week, we are focused on remote team leadership, and the challenges they specifically face during this transition. Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, it’s not just your average worker that has been thrust into working from home, but their managers and supervisors, too. 

When you aren’t in the same physical space, it can be easy to panic about how to manage your employees. It won’t surprise you to know that some managers will fall into the trap of micromanaging their team in an effort to feel in control of their output. However, the boundaries for remote working look a lot different than the boundaries for a traditional office. How do you structure regular team check-ins…without getting in the way of things actually getting done? How can you tell if work isn’t getting done, and how should you handle it? 

We spoke to five experienced remote team managers and asked them for their insight on how to remotely manage their team.